Turn Times
Transaction Type Initial Disclosure Loan Set Up and UW Condition Review Initial CD (Unbalanced) Initial CD (Balanced)* Closing Documents*
Purchase 0-1 days 1-2 days 0-1 days 0-1 days 1 day 1 day
Refinance 0-1 days 2-3 days 0-1 days 0-1 days 1 day 1 day
*Contigent on Settlement Agent and Broker approving final fees
General Notes
  • Requests received after 5 PM ET are considered received the following business day
  • The business day following receipt represents the first day of stated turn time
New Submission Underwriting Review
  • Jumbo loans, multiple files for same borrower or other complex qualification factors may increase underwriting turn times
Closing / Funding
  • Closer will be assigned and settlement agent contacted within one business day of Closing Document Request
  • Closing Doc. completion and delivery are dependent on Broker and Settlement Agent engagement and approval of final fees
  • Signing appointments inside stated turn times should remain flexible
  • Purchase wires are released the day prior to disbursement date (when possible)
  • Refinance wires are released the day of disbursement. Executed docs must be received by 2PM ET for same day wire.

Timeline Example

Doc Order Request received Monday at 1:00 PM ET. Closing docs delivered by EOD Tuesday provided settlement agent has engaged and fully collaborated.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Doc Order submitted at 1:00 PM ET DAY 1
Documents delivered by EOD